Fuse Board Upgrades


Are you thinking about upgrading your fuse board? It’s a project that most homeowners are guilty of putting off. It can seem tiresome, expensive, and complicated. Replacing your fuse box with a new consumer unit can be an easier process than you think.

grading your fuse board isn’t something that you want to hold off on doing. It can be a fire protection issue and you also run the risk of electric shock if you touch a fuse board with an existing issue. It’s always best to upgrade your fuse board as soon as possible once a problem is identified. We’ll carry out the necessary checks on your fuse board and advise you on the best course of action for upgrading your fuse board.

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Why fuse boards must be upgraded

It’s likely that your fuse board is something that you don’t think about very much, but there’s three main reasons why it might need to be upgraded. When it comes to electrical issues like fuse boards, it’s always best to be proactive and carry out repairs as soon as an addition is identified with the fuse board.

Upgrading your fuse board offers electric shock protection

The current consumer fuse board units on the market contain a residual current device (RCD). It’s designed to prevent you from suffering a fatal electric shock if you happen to touch a live wire. Most older properties contain fuse boards that don’t offer this level of protection. These newer models also offer protection against electrical fires. The RCD system within newer fuse boards provide protection that you don’t get from traditional circuit-breakers and fuses.

Why fuse boards must be upgraded

The leading cause of house fires in the UK is electrical faults with an increasing number of them being caused by fuse boards. These incidents are often caused because of substandard cable connections that result in overheating of the existing fuse board. As a result of recent regulation changes, current fuse boards have been upgraded to non-combustible materials – including steel – in order to lower the risk of fires spreading if they result from a failure in the fuse board.

Upgraded fuse boards offer additional ways

Your current fuse board may be full. Most people choose to upgrade their fuse boards when they need an additional circuit to add a new appliance, such as an oven or electric shower. By upgrading your fuse board, you can take advantage of additional ways. While older fuse boards have between 4-8 ways, modern units offer anywhere up to 24 – making it a significant upgrade for your home. With more homes running additional electrical appliances, it’s no surprise that many clients are choosing to upgrade their fuse boards for practical reasons.

How long does it take to upgrade a fuse board?

Most upgrade for fuse boards take around a full working day for a certified electrician, including carrying out the electrical testing on your existing circuits. Your fuse board upgrade may always require the meter tails to be upgraded, along with the main earth cable. Your upgrade may take longer if your existing fuse board is located further away from the electric meter.


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